In case you are a site owner, a problem might always occur and it does not automatically have to be related to the web hosting service. For instance, something can go wrong when you update a web application or some vital content could be modified or deleted unintendedly. No matter what the nature of the problem is, you’ll need to contact the help desk support team and request them to retrieve a backup or to help you troubleshoot the problem that you’re encountering. How promptly they’ll do this will predetermine the length of time that your sites will be down. For some websites like social networks or Internet shops, a continuous downtime interval too often means lost customers and cash. That’s why, it’s of principal importance that you use the services of a web hosting company that offers not only a good support service, but also a quick one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting
In case you’re using one of our Linux shared web hosting and you have an enquiry or come across a certain challenge, you can touch base with us 24/7 by opening a trouble ticket or by sending an e-mail and we promise that you’ll have an answer in no more than 1 hour. If the issue can be solved, we’ll do it before we reply to you, whilst if there’s something that you need to do on your end, we will supply you with all the required information – what possible solutions to try, what settings to check, etc. Normally, you will get an answer within only half an hour, so waiting for hours and hours or even for more than 1 day to obtain help is something inconceivable. Our sixty-minute response guarantee applies to any enquiry that you may have – technical, billing or general.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Due to the fact that we recognize just how critical it is to receive timely support, we guarantee that you won’t ever need to wait around for more than 60 minutes to receive a response to any ticket that you submit via your semi-dedicated server Control Panel. As it is, you’ll seldom need to wait for more than twenty-thirty minutes and this is valid for any question regardless of what its nature is – technical, general or billing. What’s more, our technical and customer support staff will be at your service 7 days a week, which means that even in case you submit a ticket during holidays, you will always obtain a fast response, which will include the answer to an enquiry, the solution to a complication or the details necessary to resolve an issue yourself – in case there is something that you need to do on your end. If you use our services, you won't ever have to waste a whole day waiting around for an answer like you would with lots of other hosting providers.